Thursday, March 22, 2012

The challenge-How to get more from your loyalty

Hi Everyone,


Email duration 2 minutes

Firstly, our texting platform is nearly ready we were told we'd have it a couple of weeks ago so apologies for those who want us to do all of their texting.


The simple step to improve your loyalty.


1, Use the data properly, there is a gold mine of information on your loyalty system lets use it! Log on to your CMS panel and study the data.

                A, Text a really strong offer to your missing customers only each month

                B, Text a really strong incentive to your customers whose spend has dropped by 50% in the last.

                C, Pick 50 customers each month(preferably a mix of lagging customers and great customers(evangelist's) and                 write to them enclosing some coupons for discount or double their points for them and a short handwritten                 note of thanks.

D, decide what you are going to do each month and then – Do it every month…Consistency is key.



As a manager/coach of your local team you implore your lads to give 100% you watch each closely and where one is lagging you work with them to motivate and push them to a higher level of performance. You give them tea and sandwiches after training (well sometimesJ) you bring them on weekends away, you train in gyms, pools and even in some cases boot camps are used.              


Well likewise your customers are monitored and measured and incentivised by the loyalty programme but are you the business owner working with them individually to motivate them to 100% performance?


Question: What have you done as the business owner in the last month to really really impress your customers?



Our 1-2-1 programme, I still have 1 place left on our new programme which is Free. Below are the details again if you are interested.

Our aim is to take 4 butchers who have been running loyalty for some-time and apply a form of Sales Process Engineering to achieve growth.  


Remember it's no longer about the product or the displays as these are now a basic requirement, if you haven't got these right your finished. It's about much more than that now.


SEE Below for our 121 programme.

This email will take 5 minutes of your time;


Okay, you've got your loyalty programme in and you are up and running, this is great as this allows you to know, count, and incentivise your customers. We would now like to invite each of you to our offices in Carlow IT for an individual planning session within the next two to three weeks. This is a private session between yourself and ourselves. To make this meeting a success we need full disclosure from you on your business KPI's such as turnover, GP's, customer count etc. Please do not send a representative for you as a representative can't make final decisions and , if you can't find the time then this is not for you.

One thing I've learned is that being a local business you can easily be swallowed up by the wolves at your door that are the supermarkets. Assuming you are at the top of your game re standards etc then it's down to building a special relationship or bond with a sufficient number of customers who want to stick with you, who almost believe themselves to be in a monogamous relationships with you.


This presents you with an advantage as you have the ability to create a life time customer that no supermarket can compete with. However there is a danger too, this is one of the few advantages left open to butchers and if you get this wrong then you will fail and fail entirely.


"Profit in business comes from repeat customers, customers that boast about your product and service, and bring friends with them."

W. Edward Deming, Out of the Crisis



This all means that the only marketing that should be undertaken is relationship based marketing i.e. almost one to one marketing as a means of customer connection and relationship building.


In Ireland today the local butcher is in for the fight of his life. A thinning of the herd has begun for butchers in much the same way as it started to happen for publicans several years ago. Business owners lost touch with their customers and the supermarkets spent that time reconnecting with those very same customers.


To retaliate against that fight I believe it is essential to bring our clients on a new development programme that can answer the following questions and set the targets relative to that;


Firstly-Lets target new customers.


Sales Target Increase Worksheet New customers


1,What are Your annual Sales?




2, What is your percentage targeted Increase?



Gross Sales needed in Euro's



3, What is your average sale per Transaction


4, What is Your Customer  Value?



5, What is your conversation Ratio



6, How many first Time Buyers needed to reach goals?



It is this table that guides the promotions and how we run these promotions which are aimed at new customers. Let's think about this for a minute…why run promotions when there are no targets or goals set for those promotions. We must know what we are chasing and what success is and what failure is then we can grow in a planned manner.


Secondly- What about those old regulars


Target Increase Visits From Existing Customers


1,What are Your annual Sales?




2, What is your percentage targeted Increase of Visits?



Gross Sales needed in Euro's



3, What is your average visit per customer


4, What is Your Customer  Value per visit?



5, how many extra visits are needed to achieve goal



6, How many extra visits per existing customer required



This is only the tip of the iceberg as far as planning your future business goes but once these targets are established we then design the tactics to drive this rather than just designing promotion for the sake of it.


Please Note;

We are not charging for this service however we only want to work with clients that are willing to put in the work and drive their business And  make changes if required.


This programme may require you to move out of your comfort zone but if you want things be different then sometimes things have to change.


What will you get?


Day 1

Business analysis. Complete analysis of your existing business.

"What if" challenges

Set targets for new customers

Set targets for increasing existing Visits

Set targets for increasing average spends

Promotional planning and actions and targets for quarter 1.

Promotional Costing

Goal setting for quarter 1.


Day 2

Month 3

Previous Quarter  analysis

Promotion success and analysis including costings

Goal success

New Customer Measurement

Existing Customer Measurements

Business analysis


Day 3

Month 6

Previous Quarter  analysis

Promotion success and analysis including costings

Goal success

New Customer Measurement

Existing Customer Measurements

Business analysis


This programme will not tell you about pricing or about buying cheaper product or how to reach your margins or get more from your staff- instead it will focus completely on the relationship between you and your customer and how you can place practical steps in place on a long term consistent basis to ensure your business grows.


Our solution is based around a simple formula

To multiply the sales and profits of any business you need to excel in 3 key areas…

1. Attract more new customers for the same or less marketing spend.

2. Generate more money per customer after the initial purchase.

3. Systemise 1 and 2.




Please reply by email if you wish to take part in this programme. Remember it will take about 4 hours every 3 months and there is no charge…






Finbarr Malone M.Sc. Hospitality


T (353) 1 485 3203

F (353) 1 5261012

M (353) 87 2368956


Address: Unit 1, Enterprise & Research  Incubation Centre,

Institute of Technology, Kilkenny Road, Carlow.




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Thursday, March 15, 2012

4 places available for new programme

Hi Everyone


This email will take 5 minutes of your time;


Okay, you've got your loyalty programme in and you are up and running, this is great as this allows you to know, count, and incentivise your customers. We would now like to invite each of you to our offices in Carlow IT for an individual planning session within the next two to three weeks. This is a private session between yourself and ourselves. To make this meeting a success we need full disclosure from you on your business KPI's such as turnover, GP's, customer count etc. Please do not send a representative for you, if you can't find the time then this is not for you.

One thing I've learned is that being a local business you can easily be swallowed up by the wolves at your door that are the supermarkets. Assuming you are at the top of your game re standards etc then it's down to building a special relationship or bond with a sufficient number of customers who want to stick with you, who almost believe themselves to be in a monogamous relationships with you.


This presents you with an advantage as you have the ability to create a life time customer that no supermarket can compete with. However there is a danger too, this is one of the few advantages left open to butchers and if you get this wrong then you will fail and fail entirely.


"Profit in business comes from repeat customers, customers that boast about your product and service, and bring friends with them."

W. Edward Deming, Out of the Crisis



This all means that the only marketing that should be undertaken is relationship based marketing i.e. almost one to one marketing as a means of customer connection and relationship building.


In Ireland today the local butcher is in for the fight of his life. A thinning of the herd has begun for butchers in much the same way as it started to happen for publicans several years ago. Business owners lost touch with their customers and the supermarkets spent that time reconnecting with those very same customers.


To retaliate against that fight I believe it is essential to bring our clients on a new development programme that can answer the following questions and set the targets relative to that;


Firstly-Lets target new customers.


Sales Target Increase Worksheet New customers


1,What are Your annual Sales?




2, What is your percentage targeted Increase?



Gross Sales needed in Euro's



3, What is your average sale per Transaction


4, What is Your Customer  Value?



5, What is your conversation Ratio



6, How many first Time Buyers needed to reach goals?



It is this table that guides the promotions and how we run these promotions which are aimed at new customers. Let's think about this for a minute…why run promotions when there are no targets or goals set for those promotions. We must know what we are chasing and what success is and what failure is then we can grow in a planned manner.


Secondly- What about those old regulars


Target Increase Visits From Existing Customers


1,What are Your annual Sales?




2, What is your percentage targeted Increase of Visits?



Gross Sales needed in Euro's



3, What is your average visit per customer


4, What is Your Customer  Value per visit?



5, how many extra visits are needed to achieve goal



6, How many extra visits per existing customer required



This is only the tip of the iceberg as far as planning your future business goes but once these targets are established we then design the tactics to drive this rather than just designing promotion for the sake of it.


Please Note;

We are not charging for this service however we only want to work with clients that are willing to put in the work and drive their business And  make changes if required.


This programme may require you to move out of your comfort zone but if you want things be different then sometimes things have to change.


What will you get?


Day 1

Business analysis. Complete analysis of your existing business.

"What if" challenges

Set targets for new customers

Set targets for increasing existing Visits

Set targets for increasing average spends

Promotional planning and actions and targets for quarter 1.

Promotional Costing

Goal setting for quarter 1.


Day 2

Month 3

Previous Quarter  analysis

Promotion success and analysis including costings

Goal success

New Customer Measurement

Existing Customer Measurements

Business analysis


Day 3

Month 6

Previous Quarter  analysis

Promotion success and analysis including costings

Goal success

New Customer Measurement

Existing Customer Measurements

Business analysis


This programme will not tell you about pricing or about buying cheaper product or how to reach your margins or get more from your staff- instead it will focus completely on the relationship between you and your customer and how you can place practical steps in place on a long term consistent basis to ensure your business grows.


Our solution is based around a simple formula

To multiply the sales and profits of any business you need to excel in 3 key areas…

1. Attract more new customers for the same or less marketing spend.

2. Generate more money per customer after the initial purchase.

3. Systemise 1 and 2.




Please reply by email if you wish to take part in this programme. Remember it will take about 4 hours every 3 months and there is no charge…


Sincere Regards




Finbarr Malone M.Sc. Hospitality


T (353) 1 485 3203

F (353) 1 5261012

M (353) 87 2368956


Address: Unit 1, Enterprise & Research  Incubation Centre,

Institute of Technology, Kilkenny Road, Carlow.




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copy this e-mail. Please notify the sender immediately by e-mail if you have received

this e-mail by mistake and delete this e-mail from your system.


E-mail transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free as information

could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, destroyed, arrive late or incomplete, or contain

viruses. The sender therefore does not accept liability for any errors or omissions in

the contents of this message, which arise as a result of e-mail transmission. If

verification is required please request a hard-copy version.


Please note: the contents of this email are not to be taken as representing the views

or opinions of Customer Connect Loyalty Ltd or its associated or subsidiary

companies from time to time, save where the same are provided to you and

evidenced in writing and duly signed by a current Director of Customer Connect Loyalty Ltd.