Wednesday, November 17, 2010

7 Simple Ways loyalty can be used to grow your business

1.     Incentivise your customers to come in 4 times per months
·         This a simple promotion and can be implemented straight away, the loyalty system monitors your customers behaviour and your customers get rewarded for their loyalty and extra spend

2.     Bonus Points on certain Days
·         This is ideal for picking up that midweek lull. Incentivise your shoppers by offering double points on your quietest day. Another benefit is that this spreads your business more evenly from a staffing point of view

3.     Fallen Customers Offers
·         Find out who those irregular customers are or even those customers who have stopped using your shop and make them an offer they cant refuse!

4.     Rewards Schedule
·         A rewards schedule is a list of items that your customers can save their points for. This should be on a large poster on the wall to keep your customer reminded.

5.     Double points
·         Smaller items midweek eg mince are idealfor offering double points and this encourages your shopper to come in to you rather than a convenience store e.g. Centra. This also helps to remove the emphasis away from Price!

6.     Bundled Offers Plus Points
·         This is a great way to increase average spend. By offering bonus points on bundled offers that are set just above the current loyalty member average spend we can encourage customers to rise that extra few percent!

7.     Threshold Selling
·         Threshold Selling is term coined by Finbarr Malone of Customer Connect Loyalty and it refers to a scheme whereby once a customer reaches a certain spend level in your store on a trasaction eg €50 then their points are doubled on that transaction. Combined with the rewards schedule mentioned earlier this is a powerful tool.

Its So So easy
Unique Customer Connect Loyalty Service
The customer Connect Loyalty Package is unique within the industry as they not only supply the loyalty technology but we also provide the ongoing backup and support. To this end, we provide;

  • Monthly loyalty reports and stats
  • Rewards posters
  • Referral leaflets
  • Enrolment leaflets
  • Loyalty Consultancy
  • Regular review with your account manager and direction on the operation of the loyalty program
  • Loyalty Audit.

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