Hi Everyone;
Why would you take 20% off your margin when you trying to shift selected products just to shift stuff with short dates or just to try and increase footfall when you could just offer double points or triple points on the same products and get just the same sales boost?
Based on a 1% rebate (which as those of you know can only ever end up at a maximum of 0.64% using our unique guidance). Offering double points on a product that you want to shift will cost you 2% off the product margin when you offer double points. Yet with a good loyalty scheme in place your customers will respond to a double points promotion just as quickly as a 20% off promotion.
2% or 20% I know which margin cut I’d take.
Finbarr Malone M.Sc. Hospitality
T (353) 1 485 3203
F (353) 1 5261012
M (353) 87 2368956
E finbarr@customerconnectireland.com
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